Thursday, October 23, 2008

Podcasts are for Pod People!

Ok I am bewildered by podcasts. I guess if I had an MP3 player and money to play with it might be interesting. What I could find out there for free was not too impressive. So I added Hogwarts radio to Bloglines and my blog. I had a heck of a time with . I had a much easier time finding a feed on podcastalley to enter into bloglines. I still haven't figured out if bloglines should some how conect to my blog? I am so confused and frustrated with the lack of training provided on the Learn & Play website! Ok the cute little videos with the cut outs are fun but really not very practical. They explain what things are but not how to manipulate them. I am officially giving up my sci fi geek status to be a mom instead. I am sure when I was 19 or 20 and a total Star Trek fan I woulda loved this crap.

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