Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ralphie all growed up!

This is the guy that was Ralphie in Christmas Story. He kinda grew up into a looker didn't he? Love those light blue eyes!

What if a Willie Nelson were a fox?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

ZOHO Again

Ok so I finally got around to trying Zoho again. It worked better this time. Last time I would only get vertical lines when I would type or it would take forever for the letters to show up on the screen. Must have been a one time glitch.

Podcasts are for Pod People!

Ok I am bewildered by podcasts. I guess if I had an MP3 player and money to play with it might be interesting. What I could find out there for free was not too impressive. So I added Hogwarts radio to Bloglines and my blog. I had a heck of a time with . I had a much easier time finding a feed on podcastalley to enter into bloglines. I still haven't figured out if bloglines should some how conect to my blog? I am so confused and frustrated with the lack of training provided on the Learn & Play website! Ok the cute little videos with the cut outs are fun but really not very practical. They explain what things are but not how to manipulate them. I am officially giving up my sci fi geek status to be a mom instead. I am sure when I was 19 or 20 and a total Star Trek fan I woulda loved this crap.

Monday, October 13, 2008

CML Power Tools

LOVED LOVED LOVED this power tool

It is great fun. It basically spits random websites at you and it you love it you can tell it and it spits out more websites like the one you loved. I so far have found lots of fun doodle sites and pet photos. They need to invent a kid friendly version because some of it would not be appropriate for kids.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Web 2.0 Funstuff

Ok I only did fun stuff from Web 2.0. I played with something called Shandonni which let me doodle and then slighly animated it. It let me create backgrounds and other animals. Kids might enjoy it. I also tried Cocktail Builder from the award winners. It was fun. You type in what drink ingredients you have and it gives you new drink recipes to try. It worked well. I also tried Hairmixer. Which was dumb. You took hair from Jessica Alba and put it on America Ferrera. It had lots of nasty pop up ads and was very slow.


Ok so Doc Brown made me feel much better. He did an ultrasound and we have 1 very healthy baby with a nice strong heartbeat. Even got a nice little photo of peanut. Doc Brown assures me that a miscarriage is very unlikely with a heartbeat this strong. We'll see him again in early November. Now how do I survive the exhaustion and sick stomach?

Zoho is SoSo and SoSlow

OK so I tried out Zoho. It worked ok the first time and the second time I got into it was sooooooo sloooooow. I would type in a few letters and then wait minutes to see them appear on screen. So I switched to Google which seemed worlds better. It was faster, more user friendly, and it even lets you convert the files to Word documents. I would reccomend it but Zoho was a loser.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Letting the little Kat outta the bag.

Ok I will admit it. I just sure hope Doc Brown says everything is ok when I see him on Tuesday morning and that it's not just a weird tumor or some sort of psycho-sematic soap opera kinda thing. If the indigestion, vomiting, sore chest, tiredness, mood swings, and backache are to be believed ... I Katie Gilbert am knocked up. I had sorta given up hope. Please let this baby be chubby, healthy, bright eyed, and happy. I don't think I could bare to lose a second one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ok so I hope I did all that right. My big complaint is that now I get an e-mail every time someone changes something on the Learn&Play Wiki. Is that necessary? Hey, I still like Wikipedia for useless information so it's cool.